Fine Lines - Cindy Etter Turnbull

Cndy Etter-Turnbull writes of the unsurpassed magic of the best drying days, dos and don'ts for beginners and veterans, clothesline props, clothesline disasters and other related subject matter. Fine Lines covers it all. She includes true life accounts of clothesline tragedies and triumphs from people across the country. Fine Lines is the book the will revolutionize the way you look at laundry. It is intended for amateurs as well as professionals, men as well as women.
This book will put to rest any questions you may have about the fine art of hanging out the wash!
Nominated for the 2007 Evelyn Richardson
Prize for Non-Fiction
Fine Lines is published by Pottersfield Press and distributed in Canada
and the United States by Nimbus Publishing.
$16.95 Pottersfield Press, 2006.
ISBN 1-89590-77-8.
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