About Cindy Etter Turnbull,
"Mrs Clothesline"

Fewer people know more about clothelines than Cindy. She, together with her basket of clothes, has spent many fun-filled evenings in homes and community halls throughout Nova Scotia collecting stories and anecdotes about clotheslines. Cindy makes frequent guest appearances on CBC Radio and Television. Stuart McLean featured her on his show, The Vinyl Café, and she also appeared on Wayne Rostad's television series, On The Road Again.
Born and raised in West Hants, Nova Scotia, Cindy furthered her public school education by attending Mount Saint Vincent and Acadia Universities. When the first of her two sons came along, her new focus soon became raising her young family. Cindy also began what became a rewarding 20-year career mentoring mentally-challenged adults.
Her love of tradition, beauty, orderliness, and humour led to her fascination with "fine lines". After a brief retirement, Cindy unexpectedly found herself writing her first book called just that: Fine Lines. She and her husband proudly possess two actively-used clotheslines. Cindy spends her spare time training the family dog, gardening, trying to out-fish her husband and volunteering. She also participates in NS Writer's Federation program, "Writers in the Schools", speaking and reading to elementary-school children. Cindy is currently working on a play and a children's book.
If your organization would like to learn how to hang out with Cindy, please Throw Her a Line!